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The Life We Live

EN/Core Session 3 : The Life We Live


Intro to The Life We Live

In the previous EN/CORE episodes we explored Scripture and Belief. This week we prepare for a 7-week journey into Practices of Spiritual Formation, inviting God to create new growth in our lives!


Session 3 | Week 1: Faith for Living

The third part of The EN/CORE Journey takes us from head to heart to hands in exploring the practices of Spiritual Formation that create an environment for new growth and depth in our relationship with God and with others.


Session 3 | Week 2: Formed by The Word

The first of the spiritual formation practices is truly foundational -

reading, hearing and meditating on the Scriptures. More than just a

habit, this shapes our mind and soul to think and at like Jesus.


Session 3 | Week 3: Prayer Our Weapon

Prayer is an act of rebellion against the enemies of God’s Kingdom and an invitation to honest communication with Our Father. Prayer was a consistent practice of Jesus, and He emphasized it for His followers.


Session 3 | Week 4: The Inner Life - na’aseh v’neshema

The Christian life flows from the inner work that God does in our soul, and spiritual formation is drawn from this well. Exodus 24:7 says, “Moses took the Book of the Covenant and read it aloud to the people, and they said, “We are willing to do and hear all that the Lord has spoken.” This week we will meditate on that odd response!


Session 3 | Week 5: The Community of Faith: Sacraments

In recent weeks we have reviewed important personal and family practices of discipleship. In this session we will consider two important community practices that we do together with the Body of Christ that are means of grace which connect our lives to each other.


Session 3 | Week 6: Into the World; A Life of Service

God’s grace has changed our lives for eternity, and He sends us into the world to be agents of change for His Kingdom. We are called to bring a holy and positive influence as salt, light, and hope. Part of our spiritual formation is embracing this call to social holiness.


Session 3 | Week 7: My Life = My Worship

In Biblical times, many of the worship practices of God’s people centered around the Jerusalem Temple and local synagogue. As the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples of Jesus gathered at the Temple for Pentecost/Shavuot, and then spread to include Gentiles believers in Jesus who received the Spirit, individual believers became “Tabernacles” or dwelling places of God. This means that everything we do in the “tent” we live in becomes an offering of worship!