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Small Groups Great Impact

Session 1 | Created for Relationship

Have you ever started a project by yourself, maybe building a piece

of furniture or doing yard work, and then had others come alongside

to help? It makes a difference! God hasn’t designed us to live the

Christian life alone, either, but to walk with others.

Session 2 | Learning to Walk in Faith

A lot of things in life can be disappointing, but God wants to teach us how to walk in faith and trust His goodness and mercy. This week we’ll read stories from Elijah and Jesus about our trustworthy God.

Session 3 | A Generous Heart

A Kingdom of God perspective shifts our thinking from scarcity to abundance, from focusing on problems to seeing possibilities because of faith God’s goodness and power. This week’s story illustrates this shift in perspective, and how little can become much in God’s hands.

Session 4 | Standing on Holy Ground

Moses is regarded as the greatest prophet because he served as mediator

between God and Israel in establishing a covenant relationship and presenting

God’s gift of His commandments to the people. But this only could happen

through his response of faith and obedience.

Session 5 | The God of the Unexpected

God’s character and faithfulness never change, but the Christian life is a dynamic and ever-changing journey of faith. This week we explore two instances of God working in unexpected ways to use small things for great impact

Session 6 | Prayer Makes Great Change

Has God led you to do or say something really difficult? This is actually a fairly common theme in Scripture! This week we consider a surprising encounter that began with a prayer and changed a person, the Church, and the world!