Session 1 | Created for Relationship
Have you ever started a project by yourself, maybe building a piece
of furniture or doing yard work, and then had others come alongside
to help? It makes a difference! God hasn’t designed us to live the
Christian life alone, either, but to walk with others.
Session 2 | Learning to Walk in Faith
A lot of things in life can be disappointing, but God wants to teach us how to walk in faith and trust His goodness and mercy. This week we’ll read stories from Elijah and Jesus about our trustworthy God.
Session 3 | A Generous Heart
A Kingdom of God perspective shifts our thinking from scarcity to abundance, from focusing on problems to seeing possibilities because of faith God’s goodness and power. This week’s story illustrates this shift in perspective, and how little can become much in God’s hands.
Session 4 | Standing on Holy Ground
Moses is regarded as the greatest prophet because he served as mediator
between God and Israel in establishing a covenant relationship and presenting
God’s gift of His commandments to the people. But this only could happen
through his response of faith and obedience.
Session 5 | The God of the Unexpected
God’s character and faithfulness never change, but the Christian life is a dynamic and ever-changing journey of faith. This week we explore two instances of God working in unexpected ways to use small things for great impact
Session 6 | Prayer Makes Great Change
Has God led you to do or say something really difficult? This is actually a fairly common theme in Scripture! This week we consider a surprising encounter that began with a prayer and changed a person, the Church, and the world!
Session 7 | A Still, Small Voice
In a culture that is always running and striving, a real challenge of the Christian life is constant distraction! Being “super busy” is worn like a badge of honor and a gauge of our importance. If God speaks to us in a still, small voice, can we hear Him above the “noise” of daily life?
Session 8 | The Hem of His Garment
We’ve all heard of various “miracle cures” from friends, family, or social media. Special diets, essential oils, and health elixirs may have some value, but do we naturally consider faith in Jesus as a primary source of healing power?
Session 9 | The Cast Net
Change isn’t easy! It creates tension in our thoughts, emotions, plans and schedules. We feel out of balance. But God can use these seasons to move us into new spiritual growth and maturity, as He does with Simon the fisherman.
Session 10 | The Cleansing Waters
Our culture highlights large numbers and accomplishments, but God will sometimes work through less dramatic means. The story of Naaman the Syrian’s healing illustrates big changes through small things.
Session 11 | More Than Enough!
There is a distinct joy and satisfaction that comes in having a generous heart in response to God’s goodness and grace. Our reading from Exodus describes an experience of this kind of joy!
Session 12| Advent | Hope in a Time of Conflict
The 1st century Church spread the hope of the Gospel in a Roman Empire facing a variety of conflicts, including spiritual, political, and racial. Mark’s Gospel reveals the source of this hope...
Session 13 | Advent | The Joy of God’s Invitation
When the shepherds heard the announcement from the angelic hosts, they responded with joy. God still invites us to to draw near to Him!
Session 14 | Advent | Peace on Earth now...and Great Victory to come!
In Luke 2, the angelic host announced “peace on earth”, and this same choir will sing again at Christ’s 2nd Advent. They will then proclaim God’s ultimate victory - and we get to join them!
Session 15 | Advent | Love was Born in Bethlehem
As the Christian faith spread into Europe and the West, many traditions
developed, including additions to the stories of Jesus’ birth. Revisiting the Ancient culture and setting reveals some helpful insights...